Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Artist Statement: Kevin Bickle

Artist Statement:
My art is a total reflection of what and who I am and how the things that God has done, and will continue to do in my life forever.
I feel that when God came into this world as a man in Jesus Christ, that He had lain out and had everything perfect in how one would come to know Him on a very personal level. Over the years since He left us on this earth, men and women have done a lot to mess up everything he has done and is still continuing to do.
The vision that I had is as if someone kicked over a dirty mop bucket of water in a perfectly clean room and it is my job as an artistic, spiritual janitor to clean it up. I feel called through my art to clean up all the things that have been done to defile and ruin my God’s name through my paintbrush, my person, and the Holy Spirit in me. I want to take back the slander of my God’s name and to share the Real Jesus with the world. I feel I am like no other painter you have ever met. I am on a mission and will stop at nothing until my last breath to bring honor and glory to my God with my art and my actions.
My art is unique in the fact that I paint with acrylic on cardboard, and use things that people would discard, and turn them into something new. I take things that are totally me as in, reggae music, the tattoo world, as well as influences of the great masters of classical religious artwork and use it as part of my own unique style of artistic expression. Over the years many people have depicted Christ and images of the bible through their art, but in my art, and with me, one thing is true and that is that I really, really believe that Christ is my Lord, and Savior.
Kevin Bickle, age 32, Urban American painter
Married to wife, Jillian, with one son, Brayden
Other areas of interest include: Traveling doing trick bike riding, accomplished public speaker, and missions.